Free Solved SMU MBA Assignment for 1St Sem,2nd Sem,3rd Sem,4th Sem. Short Notes, Model Question Paper.
No of Assignments :
MSc BI - November 2010
Master of Science in Bioinformatics
(MSc BI) – Semester 1
BI 0024 – Cell Biology & Genetics - 4 credits
(Book ID- B0697)
Assignment Set -1 (60 marks)
Read the questions given below and answer the same.
Answer the Following (10 Marks each)
1. Write a brief account on functions of Chloroplast.
2. What is cell cycle? Write an account on chromosomal events during mitosis.
3. Write an account on functions of Endoplasmic Reticulum.
4. Discuss the structure of nucleosome
Write a short note on the following (5 Marks each)
5. Microtubule organizing centres
6. Heterochromatin
7. Polytene chromosome
8. Pachytene
Master of Science in Bioinformatics
(MSc BI) – Semester 1
BI 0024 – Cell Biology & Genetics - 4 credits
(Book ID- B0697)
Assignment Set -2 (60 marks)
Read the questions given below and answer the same.
Answer the Following (10 Marks each)
Answer the Following (10 Marks each)
1. What is forked-line method? Describe the method for calculation of the phenotypic ratio.
2. Write an account on molecular mechanism of crossing over.
3. Describe the steps involved in construction of genetic maps.
4. Describe the role of bacterial transposons in evolution of drug resistant bacteria.
Write a short note on the following (5 Marks each)
5. A/P Morphogens
6. Coupling and Repulsion
7. Sexduction
8. Light-Dependent DNA repair mechanism
November 2010
Master of Science in Bioinformatics
(MSc BI) – Semester 1
BI 0025 – Immunology - 2 credits
(Book ID- B0659)
Assignment Set -1 (30 marks)
Read the questions given below and answer the same.
Answer the following (10 Marks)
1. Write a detailed note on Humoral components.
2. What are adjuvants? Describe the types and their applications.
3. Write a short note on the following
a. Natural killer cells
b. Immunological memory
November 2010
Master of Science in Bioinformatics
(MSc BI) – Semester 1
BI 0025 – Immunology - 2 credits
(Book ID- B0659)
Assignment Set -2 (30 marks)
Read the questions given below and answer the same.
Answer the following 10 Marks each
1. Identify the serum immunoglobulin and discuss the features.
2. Discuss the applications of monoclonal antibodies in biomedicine.
3. Write a short note on the following
a. Cytokines
b. Light Chain genes
Master of Science in Bioinformatics
(MSc BI) – Semester 1
BI 0026 – Biochemistry - 4 credits
(Book ID- B0685)
Assignment Set -1 (60 marks)
Read the questions given below and answer the same.
Answer the following 10 marks each
1. Identify the following polysaccharides and write a brief note.
(a) (b)
2. What is Krebs cycle? Explain the various steps involved in TCA cycle.
3. Discuss various steps involved in Beta oxidation.
4. Explain the mechanism of enzyme action with various hypotheses.
5. Write a short note on the following 5 Marks each
a. Ketogenesis
b. Cori cycle
c. Non-Competitive inhibition
d. Glycolipids
e. Z-DNA
f. Exergonic reactions
November 2010
Master of Science in Bioinformatics
(MSc BI) – Semester 1
BI 0026 – Biochemistry - 4 credits
(Book ID- B0685)
Assignment Set -2 (60 marks)
Read the questions given below and answer the same.
Answer the following 10 marks each
1. Identify the types of DNA and write a brief note on each of them.
2. Write a detailed account on role of proteins in biological systems.
3. What is enzyme kinetics? Write a brief account on Co enzymes.
4. Write a detailed note on Pentose phosphate pathway.
5. Write a short note on the following 5 Marks each
a. Albinism
- Phynylketonuria
- Plasmalogens
- Fisher projections
- Phosphofructokinase
November 2010
Master of Science in Bioinformatics
(MSc BI) – Semester 1
BI 0027 – Linux - 2 credits
(Book ID- B0698)
Assignment Set -1 (20 marks)
Read the questions given below and answer the same.
Answer the following (10 Marks each)
- What is an operating system? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Linux operating system.
- Explain the usage of following Linux commands.
a) cat
b) cp
c) echo
d) cd
e) kill
- Write an account on types of Shells
November 2010
Master of Science in Bioinformatics
(MSc BI) – Semester 1
BI 0027 – Linux - 2 credits
(Book ID- B0698)
Assignment Set -2 (20 marks)
Read the questions given below and answer the same.
Answer the following (10 Marks each)
- Explain the functions of the following 'vi' commands
i. dd
ii. ZZ
iii. x
iv. U
v. a
- Write a brief account on features of shell scripts.
- Explain the usage of following special characters used in string search.
a) $
b) ^
c) []
d) \<
e) \>
November 2010
Master of Science in Bioinformatics
(MSc BI) – Semester 1
BI 0028 – Mathematics and Biostatistics - 4 credits
(Book ID- B0660)
Assignment Set -1 (60 marks)
Read the questions given below and answer the same.
Answer the following questions 10 ´ 6 = 60
1. Solve the following L.P.P graphically Minimize y = 4x1 + 2x2
Subject to x1 + 2x2 ³ 2
3x1 + x2 ³ 3
4x1 + 3x2 ³ 6
x1 ³ 0, x2 ³ 0
2. Find the standard deviation of the following data
Profit in Crores | 8-10 | 10-12 | 12-14 | 14-16 | 16-18 | 18-20 |
Number of companies | 16 | 24 | 40 | 60 | 40 | 20 |
3. A bag has 20 blue balls and 10 green balls. Two balls are taken from the bag one after the other. Find the probability that both are blue if
i) The first ball is not replaced before taking out the second ball.
ii) The first ball is replaced before taking out the second.
4. A difficult problem is given to the students of 1st, 2nd and 3rd rank by a professor. The probabilities that these students solve the problem are respectively. Find the probability that the problem is solved.
5. Let X be a continuous random variable with p.d.f f(x) defined by
a) Determine the value of a
b) Compute P(X £ 1.5)
6. Two salesman of a company are able to sell the same product as shown below
Salesman A | 190 | 184 | 187 | 180 | 181 | 176 |
Salesman B | 195 | 185 | 187 | 192 | 190 | 194 | 187 |
(From table a = 0.01)
By statistical calculations find out which salesman is superior?
November 2010
Master of Science in Bioinformatics
(MSc BI) – Semester 1
BI 0028 – Mathematics and Biostatistics - 4 credits
(Book ID- B0660)
Assignment Set -2 (60 marks)
Read the questions given below and answer the same.
Answer the following 10 ´ 6 = 60
1. Test whether f is continuous at 3 where f is defined by
2. Differentiate with respect to x.
3. Differentiate log (3x + 4) from first principles.
4. Integrate
5. Let and find AB and BA , then show that they are equal.
6. A box contains 7 red, 6 white and 5 blue balls. How many selections of three balls can be made so that
a) all the three are red
b) None is red
c) One is of each colour ?
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