Linux on the Mainframe
- Sample companies that demonstrate the strengths and potential shortcomings of Linux on the mainframe
- Complete business analysis, including Total Cost of Ownership, server consolidation techniques, and IT infrastructure simplification
- Examples of deploying middleware and other tools
- In-depth introductions to the latest trends, developments, and technologies related to Linux on the mainframe
- Background information on mainframes and Linux for the lay reader
- Key techniques for deploying Linux servers and building integrated server environments
For anyone involved in the planning, deploying, management, or administration of a mainframe, Linux on the Mainframe is a vital resource.
Click to DownloadThe Value of the IBM System z and z/OS in Service-Oriented Architecture
RISC/6000 to Mainframe Using S/370 Channel Connections
IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Network Performance V2.1 The Mainframe Network Management Solution
End-to-End Scheduling with OPC and TWS Mainframe and Distributed Environments
Introduction to the New Mainframe: Networking
Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics
ORBIX E2A - COBOL Programmer’s Guide and Reference
- CORBA 2.3
- GIOP 1.2 (default), 1.1, and 1.0
The Orbix E2A Application Server Platform Mainframe Edition is IONA.s implementation of the CORBA standard for the OS/390 platform. Orbix E2A Application Server Platform Mainframe Edition documentation is periodically updated. New versions between release are available at
If you need help with this or any other IONA products, contact IONA at Comments on IONA documentation can be sent to
This guide is intended for COBOL application programmers who want to develop Orbix E2A applications in a native OS/390 environment.
The supported compilers are:
- IBM COBOL for OS/390 & VM version 2.1.1.
- IBM COBOL for OS/390 & VM version 2.1.2.
- IBM COBOL for OS/390 & VM version 2.2.1.
The related documentation provided includes:
- The PL/I Programmer.s Guide and Reference, which provides details bout developing, in a native OS/390 environment, Orbix E2A PL/I pplications that can run in batch, CICS, or IMS.
- The CORBA Programmer.s Guide, C++ and the CORBA Programmers. Reference, C++, which provide details about developing Orbix E2A applications in C++ in various environments, including OS/390.
- The Mainframe Migration Guide, which provides details of migration issues for users who have migrated from IONA.s Orbix 2.3-based solution for OS/390 to Orbix E2A Application Server Platform Mainframe Edition.
IMS V9 Appl. Programming: Design Guide
CICS/ESA 3.3 Application Programming Guide
CICS/ESA 3.3 Application Programming Reference
This book describes the CICS/ESA application programming interface; it contains reference information needed to prepare COBOL, C/370, PL/I, and assembler-language application programs, using CICS commands, to be executed under CICS. Guidance information is in the CICS/ESA Application Programming Guide. For guidance information about debugging CICS applications, see the CICS/ESA Problem Determination Guide.
The book is intended primarily for use by application programmers, but will also be useful to system programmers and systems analysts.
We assume that you have some experience in writing programs in COBOL, C/370, PL/I, or assembler language.
This book is for reference. Each of the commands has a standard format, as follows:
- The syntax of the command
- A description of what the command does
- An alphabetical list of the options and their functions
- An alphabetical list of conditions, and their causes, that can occur during execution of a command.
Notes on terminology
- VTAM refers to ACF/VTAM and to the record interface of ACF/TCAM.
- ASM is used sometimes as the abbreviation for assembler language.
Enterprise PL/I Programming Guide
Important: Enterprise PL/I for z/OS will be referred to as Enterprise PL/I throughout this book.
Enterprise PL/I uses Language Environment® as its run-time environment. It conforms to Language Environment architecture and can share the run-time environment with other Language Environment-conforming languages.
Enterprise PL/I Language Reference
Improved performance
- The compiler now handles even more conversions by generating inline code which means these conversions will be done much faster than previously. Also, all conversions done by library call are now flagged by the compiler.
- The compiler-generated code now uses, in various situations, less stack storage.
- The compiler now generates much better code for references to the TRANSLATE built-in function.
- The compiler-generated code for SUBSCRIPTRANGE checking is now, for arrays with known bounds, twice as fast as before.
- The ARCH and TUNE options now support 4 as a suboption, thereby allowing exploitation of instructions new to the zSeries machines.
- ARCH(2), FLOAT(AFP) and TUNE(3) are now the default.
z/OS V1R6.0 TSO/E REXX Reference
z/OS V1R6.0 DFSORT Application Programming Guide
z/OS V1R6.0 DFSORT: Getting Started
OS/390 V2R10.0 MVS JCL User's Guide
- Job control language (JCL) statements
- Job entry subsystem 2 (JES2) control statements
- Job entry subsystem 3 (JES3) control statements
This book is designed as a user's guide, to be used when deciding how to perform job control tasks. It does not describe how to code the statements. For an introduction to the statements and for coding information, see the companion book, OS/390 MVS JCL Reference, GC28-1757.
For your program to execute on the computer and perform the work you designed it to do, your program must be processed by your operating system. Your operating system consists of a base control program (BCP) with a job entry subsystem (JES2 or JES3) and DFSMSdfp installed with it.
For the operating system to process a program, programmers must perform certain job control tasks. These tasks are performed through the job control statements, which are listed in the first chapter. The job control tasks are introduced in the second chapter as well as introductory information about JCL. The charts in the third chapter divide these tasks into detailed subtasks.
The tasks are:
- Entering jobs
- Processing jobs
- Requesting resources
OS/390 V2R10.0 MVS JCL Reference
- Job control language (JCL) statements
- Job entry control language (JECL) statements, which encompass:
- Job entry subsystem 2 (JES2) control statements
- Job entry subsystem 3 (JES3) control statements
This book is designed as a reference book, to be used while coding the statements. It contains some introductory material. Full explanations of the job control tasks are presented in a companion book, OS/390 MVS JCL User's Guide, GC28-1758.
This book is needed by system and application programmers who enter programs into the operating system. Those using this book should understand the concepts of job management and data management.
MVS/ESA SP V5 JCL User's Guide
- Entering jobs
- Processing jobs
- Requesting resources
MVS/ESA SP V5 JCL Reference
- Job control language (JCL) statements
- Job entry subsystem 2 (JES2) control statements
- Job entry subsystem 3 (JES3) control statements.
This book is needed by system and application programmers who enter programs into the operating system. Those using this book should understand the concepts of job management and data management.
Enterprise COBOL Programming Guide
- Simplifying the componentization of COBOL programs and enabling interoperability with Java components
- Promoting the exchange and use of data in standardized formats, including XML and Unicode
This document will help you write and compile Enterprise COBOL programs. It will also help you define object-oriented classes and methods, invoke methods, and refer to objects in your programs.
This document assumes experience in developing application programs and some knowledge of COBOL. It focuses on using Enterprise COBOL to meet your programming objectives and not on the definition of the COBOL language. For complete information on COBOL syntax, see IBM Enterprise COBOL Language Reference.
For information on migrating programs to Enterprise COBOL, see IBM Enterprise COBOL Compiler and Run-Time Migration Guide.
IBM z/OS Language Environment provides the run-time environment and run-time services that are required to run your Enterprise COBOL programs. You will find information on link-editing and running programs in the IBM z/OS Language Environment Programming Guide and IBM z/OS Language Environment Programming Reference.
Language Reference
Note: This does not imply that these elements will be eliminated from a future release of Enterprise COBOL.
The language elements that will be deleted from the next revision of the ANSI and ISO COBOL standards are:
ALTER statement
AUTHOR paragraph
Comment entry
DATE-WRITTEN paragraph
DEBUG-ITEM special register
Debugging sections
ENTER statement
GO TO without a specified procedure name
RERUN clause
SECURITY paragraph
Segmentation module
STOP literal format of the STOP statement
VALUE OF clause
The figurative constant ALL literal, when associated with a numeric or numeric-edited item and with a length greater than one
COBOL for OS/390 & VM Programming Guide
This version of IBM COBOL for OS/390 & VM is fully source and object compatible with COBOL for MVS & VM Version 1, with the exception of programs containing object-oriented language constructs, which must be recompiled to enable support for OS/390 SOMobjects(TM), as described below.
- Support has been added for Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs). A DLL is a load module containing programs and data which can be accessed from other load modules. The DLL mechanism is the primary means used for packaging SOM class libraries. With this new support, object-oriented COBOL applications may be packaged using separate DLL load modules for the client programs and class definitions. Two new compiler options, DLLNODLL and EXPORTALLNOEXPORTALL, are used to control the creation of DLLs. For details, see Chapter 20, "Building and Using Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs)" in topic 4.2.
- Due to changes in the SOMobjects product that are delivered with OS/390® Release 3, changes in the JCL for building object-oriented COBOL applications are required:
- The SOMobjects kernel and the SOMobjects class libraries must be accessed from the SOMobjects product DLLs, rather than being linked together with the COBOL application load module, as was required in the prior version. This requires changes to the JCL to specify appropriate COBOL compiler options for DLL support, the prelink step must specify (at least) the DLL definition side-decks for the SOM kernel and class libraries, and the SOM SGOSPLKD data set is no longer used in the SYSLIB concatenation of the prelink step.
- The format of the SOM profile data set has changed, and the profile is now specified via the SOMENV DD statement rather than the SOMPROF DD.
For further details, see the OS/390 SOMobjects Programmer's Guide, and Chapter 16, "Using System Object Model (SOM)" in topic 3.2.
The INTDATE compiler option is no longer an installation option only--it can now be specified as an option when invoking the compiler.
COBOL Language Reference
- Prefix the text with platform-specific indicators (for example, Under AIX, OS/2, and Windows...)
- Add parenthetical qualifications (for example, (Workstation only))
Note: This book documents extensions for object-oriented COBOL. Object-oriented COBOL is not supported on VM.
Use this book in conjunction with the IBM COBOL Programming Guide for your platform.
The most basic and indivisible unit of the COBOL language is the character. The IBM COBOL character set includes the letters of the alphabet, digits, and special characters. The complete set of characters that form the IBM COBOL character set is shown in Table 1.
The basic IBM COBOL language is restricted to the character set shown in Table 1, but the content of nonnumeric literals, comment lines, comment entries, and data can include any of the characters from the character set of the computer.
VS COBOL II Application Programming Guide
- Create VS COBOL II programs
- Analyze and modify existing COBOL programs
- Compile, link-edit, and execute VS COBOL II programs.
Information on structured programming is included, as well as descriptions of the features available with VS COBOL II.
This manual is designed for the experienced COBOL programmer working in an MVS or CMS environment whose primary discipline is data processing and the development of applications. This book assumes that you know the COBOL language and how to develop an application program.
VS COBOL II Application Programming Language Reference
Appendix A. VS COBOL II Compiler Limits
Glossary--Defines technical terms.
OS/390 FFST/MVS V1R2.0 Operations Guide
- FFST for Multiple Virtual Storage (FFST/MVS*) in a Multiple Virtual Storage/Enterprise Systems Architecture (MVS/ESA*) environment
- FFST for Virtual Machine (FFST/VM*) in a Virtual Machine/Enterprise Systems Architecture* (VM/ESA*) environment
FFST/MVS also incorporates its own technology by including software probes in its own code. FFST/MVS processes these software probes using its internal FFDC function. When one of these internal software probes is triggered, FFST/MVS issues a symptom string that describes the event. This symptom string appears in the dump and in the generic alert. The dump is a member of a partitioned data set, which is specified in the FFST/MVS startup procedure. The FFDC messages describe the member name and the data set that contain the dump; you can format the dump using the FFST dump formatting program, EPWDMPFM. For more information, see Chapter 3, "Using FFST Output" in topic 3.0.
The software probes that FFST/MVS processes with its FFDC function can also be triggered for FFST/VM. However, FFST/VM does not have the FFDC function. As a result, when one of these software probes is triggered, FFST issues messages containing only the software probe's symptom string.
This book explains how to perform the following tasks:
- Use commands to control FFST operation
- Use the different types of FFST output to identify and analyze software events
The following people should read this book:
- System operators who need to control FFST operation
- Support personnel who use FFST output to identify and analyze software events
EREP V3R5 Reference
- DOS/VS, DOS/VSE, VSE/ESA, and VSE/Advanced Functions--known collectively in this book as VSE systems.
- VS2, MVS/370, MVS/XA, MVS/ESA, and OS/390mdash.known collectively in this book as MVS systems.
- VM/370, VM/SP, VM/SP/HPO, VM/XA, and VM/ESA--known collectively in this book as VM systems.
If EREP 3.5 is not installed on your system, some of the information in this book may not apply. You can find out which level of EREP your system supports by checking the release number of the EREP tape last installed; the release number is in the System Control Programming Specifications, which accompany the EREP tape.
Note: New releases of EREP are always downward compatible. That is, the latest version of EREP always runs on your system. New releases also include new functions that you can only use if you have the latest version of your operating system; but generally, old functions are not eliminated. The same is true of this book, although some very old versions of EREP (for example, IFCEREP0) are no longer supported.
This publication is for people who manage and maintain data processing equipment in a system installation.
IBM TotalStorage NAS Advantages of the Windows Powered OS
- What is Network Attached Storage (NAS)
- NAS and the Windows Powered OS benefits
- Total cost of ownershipSummary
IBM System Storage Solutions Handbook
- First we introduce the basic storage solutions areas: information lifecycle management, infrastructure simplification, and business continuity.
- Part 1 describes disk products, including the entire Disk Storage (DS) Series, from entry-level offerings, such as the DS300 and DS400, to mid-range with the DS4000 family and DS6000, to high end with the DS8000. It also includes the DR550.
- Part 2 is an overview of tape products, covering tape drives, tape libraries, and virtualization products, including LTO and 3590, and 3592 technology.
- Part 3 starts by describing storage networking infrastructure and protocols, and then presents the switches and directors to form SAN solutions.
- Part 4 discusses the IBM TotalStorage software portfolio for open systems and includes Storage Virtualization products, such as the SAN Volume Controller, TotalStorage Productivity Center, Tivoli Storage Manager, and ETL Expert.
- Part 5 describes the z/OS storage management software: DFSMS and DFSORT.
- Part 6 is the appendixes, which cover standards, such as Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S), Common Information Model (CIM), and Web Based Enterprise Management (WBEM); also discussed is redundant array of independent disks (RAID).
This redbook is intended as a reference for basic and comprehensive information about the IBM System Storage and TotalStorage products portfolio. This book provides a starting point when establishing your own enterprise storage environment.
Text Search: Programming the Text Search Engine
- The Text Search Engine application programming interface (API)
- The Text Search Engine library service interfaces
- The Text Search Engine text format
It explains how these interfaces can be used to:
- Obtain Text Search Engine services from customer applications
- Provide library services (document access) to Text Search Engine
- Support additional text formats in Text Search Engine and exploit Text Search Engine support for multilingual documents.
This book contains information for application programmers who want to integrate Text Search Engine functions with customer applications, document repositories (libraries), or multimedia display services. It is written for application programmers who want to develop an application that can use the services of the Text Search Engine functions, or who want to develop programs that enable Text Search Engine to interface with a given document repository. All programming interfaces provided by Text Search Engine are for use with the C programming language. The Text Search Engine text format is a data interchange format, not a programming interface.
z/OS V1R1.0 Encina Toolkit Executive Gd. and Ref.
z/OS V1R1.0 MVS Routing and Descriptor Codes
- The meaning of each code
- How these codes are specified
- How the system uses these codes
For information on using routing and descriptor codes to route messages, see z/OS MVS Planning: Operations.
Chapter 3, "Message Identifiers and Associated Routing and Descriptor Codes" in topic 3.0 lists the routing and descriptor codes for each message identifier. The message identifiers are listed in alphabetical order according to their prefixes. Within a prefix section, the message identifiers appear in numerical order. The routing code appears to the right of the message identifier, followed by the descriptor code.
z/OS V1R1.0 MVS Programming: Resource Recovery
- How to use RRS services in authorized resource managers, such as database programs, and communications managers that manage distributed transactional communications.
- How to manage RRS in an installation that runs resource managers that use RRS.
This book is for:
- Programmers who design and code resource managers. These programmers need to know how to work with MVS system interfaces and how to work with databases.
- System programmers responsible for managing MVS, including such tasks as starting and stopping system functions and troubleshooting. Data base administrators might also be involved in managing RRS.
z/OS V1R1.0 MVS Programming: Product Registration
z/OS V1R1.0 MVS Device Validation Support
z/OS V1R1.0 MVS Using the Subsystem Interface
zSeries HiperSockets
z/OS V1R1.0 MVS System Messages (10 Books)
- Operator messages issued by the BCP and DFSMS/MVS.
- Log messages issued by the BCP and DFSMS/MVS.
- Some SYSOUT messages issued by the BCP and DFSMS/MVS. SYSOUT messages are issued by utilities that normally run in batch, such as SPZAP.
- Batch job messages issued by the BCP. Messages issued by JES2 or JES3 for batch jobs are in the JES messages books.
For the most part, messages issued at interactive terminals (like TSO/E and CICS terminals) are documented by the specific elements and products that support those terminals.
The titles of the MVS System Messages books indicate the range of message prefixes in the books:
- z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 1 (ABA-AOM), SA22-7631
- z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 2 (ARC-ASA), SA22-7632
- z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 3 (ASB-BPX), SA22-7633
- z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 4 (CBD-DMO), SA22-7634
- z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 5 (EDG-GFS), SA22-7635
- z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 6 (GOS-IEA), SA22-7636
- z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 7 (IEB-IEE), SA22-7637
- z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 8 (IEF-IGD), SA22-7638
- z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 9 (IGF-IWM), SA22-7639
- z/OS MVS System Messages, Vol 10 (IXC-IZP), SA22-7640
If you do not know which book describes a particular message, try using LookAt (see "Using LookAt to look up message explanations" in topic PREFACE.3). Here are some of the books on that bookshelf:
The MVS System Messages books
- z/OS MVS Dump Output Messages, SA22-7590
- z/OS MVS System Codes, SA22-7626
- z/OS MVS Routing and Descriptor Codes, SA22-7624
- z/OS HCD Messages, SC33-7986
- z/OS JES2 Messages, SA22-7537
- z/OS JES3 Messages, SA22-7552
- z/OS TSO/E Messages, SA22-7786
- z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes, SA22-7807
For a list of message books sorted by message prefix, see "Message Directory" in topic PREFACE.6.3.
The system messages books are for all people who receive messages from the system. Usually, these people are system operators, system programmers, and application programmers who do any of the following tasks:
- Initialize the operating system and its subsystems
- Monitor system activity
- Keep the system running correctly
- Diagnose and correct system problems
- Diagnose and correct errors in problem programs
msys for Setup User's Guide
- Understand what needs to be done before installing Managed System Infrastructure for Setup
- Understand how to install Managed System Infrastructure for Setup
- Understand how to use Managed System Infrastructure for Setup to set up a product (such as Parallel Sysplex®), that uses msys for Setup for its setup.
- Know what other books to refer to when using Managed System Infrastructure for Setup.
This book assumes that you are familiar with, or have access to a person who is familiar with:
- OS/390® and z/OS
- OS/390 Security Server (RACF®)
- DB2®
- Communication Server IP (TCP/IP) and its FTP Server
- ServerPac and SystemPac
- Windows NT
This book further assumes that you have some conceptual knowledge of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) although you by no means need to be an expert.
Debug Tool User's Guide and Reference
You can begin testing with Debug Tool after learning just a few concepts:
- How to invoke it
- How to set, display, and remove breakpoints
- How to step through your program
Debug Tool commands are similar to commands from the supported high level languages HLLs).
z/OS MVS Product Management
- Chapter 1. Usage Accounting — provides guidance information for measured usage accounting.
- Chapter 2. Product Registration and Enablement — provides guidance information for product registration.
- Chapter 3. Reporting Product Information — describes how to use IFAURP, the reporting program for product management.
- Chapter 4. Usage Pricing Examples — contains multiple examples of how to use IFAURP for measured usage license charges.
- Appendix A. ‘Type-Model’ Values for IBM and Non-IBM Processors — lists the supported IBM and non-IBM type and model values.
- Appendix B. IFAURP Program Exit — describes the IFAURP program exit.
z/OS MVS System Data Set Definition
- Chapter 1. Selecting and Defining System Data Sets lists the system data sets that you might need to select, and explains how to define those system data sets through JCL and/or access method services.
- Chapter 2. System Data Set Descriptions describes the master catalog and the system data sets.
- Chapter 3. Using Data Sets from the Old Production System explains how to use some of the system data sets from an old production system.
z/OS Parallel Sysplex Overview: Introducing Data Sharing and Parallelism in a Sysplex
- What a sysplex is and how it compares to existing non-sysplex computing environments
- New features that enhance sysplex function
- Work that a sysplex supports
- Products that make up a sysplex
- Various sysplex configurations and their benefits
Sysplex and Product Availability (“Roll-Out”) The sysplex is a large system computing environment that is evolving. Since the introduction of the sysplex, the coupling facility technology was developed to enhance sysplex capabilities. With a coupling facility in a sysplex, the participating MVS systems can do high performance data sharing. A sysplex with a coupling facility is called a Parallel Sysplex.
Note that this publication does not differentiate between a sysplex without a coupling facility and a sysplex with a coupling facility. When you see the termsysplex, understand it to mean a sysplex with a coupling facility (a Parallel Sysplex).
There might be changes to the implementation or availability of new products or functions. For information about availability of hardware and software sysplex support, consult your IBM representative.
z/Architecture Principles of Operation
The information presented in this publication is grouped in 19 chapters and several appendixes:
z/OS V1R1.0 MVS Planning: Workload Management
z/OS V1R1.0 MVS Workload Management Services
- Using the Workload Management Services - This section provides an overview of the services, and how to use them.
- Workload Management Services Reference - This section describes each service, its syntax, its parameters, and an example of how to issue it.
Programmers using assembler language can use the macros described in this book to invoke the services they need. This book includes some guidance information, and detailed information, such as the function, the syntax, and parameters needed to code the macros.
Firewall Technologies
- Pre-installation and planning
- Installation
- System and firewall configuration
- Implementing firewall services
This book also includes configuration, commands, messages, examples and problem determination information for the z/OS Firewall Technologies.
Firewall Technologies functions are provided to a customer in both the SecureWay Communication Server for z/OS, and the z/OS Security Server.
Functions that are included with the SecureWay Communication Server are:
- IP Packet Filtering
- IP Security (tunnels)
- Network Address Translation (NAT)
These functions are included as part of the IP Security feature of z/OS and are always available.
Functions that are included with the z/OS Security Server are:
- Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) support
- FTP proxy support
- Socks server (daemon) support
- Command Line Configuration/Administration
- GUI Configuration/Administration
These functions (with the exception of Command Line Configuration/Administration) are not included as part of the z/OS base and are only available when the z/OS Security Server has been enabled. The Command Line Configuration/Administration support only requires that the z/OS Security Server is installed before it becomes available.
z/OS HTTP Server Planning, Installing, and Using
WebSphere Application Server for OS/390 - Application Server Planning, Installing, and Using
- IBM HTTP Server Version 5.3
- IBM HTTP Server Version 5.2
- IBM HTTP Server Version 5.1
- Lotus Domino Go Webserver Version 5.0
For information on Web server documentation, see the table in Required OS/390 Web server.
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